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스카이림모드/다른 사람이 만든 커스텀 보이스 동료


by 몽키D로져 2014. 8. 11.

About Authors

- Totoro Follower Modding

- Magnificat (closer1223) Original Character Design


This mod adds female elf follower, Tania the Hermit to your Skyrim game. Tania was the last princess of the peaceful elven kingdom hidden in Eldergleam sanctuary. One day, very powerful unknown evil trespassed on this little kingdom and destroyed all of things. The only one who is survived is Tania. After her kingdom destroyed, she becomes a hermit to avoid chase from the unknown evil. And she is wandering around Skyrim to find out the evil's identity and the reason why her kingdom is attacked from the evil. You're the only one who can help Tania because you are Dragonborn!

* Youtube Intro Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzHzPR2vgzw

* Author's Note: Follower Tania is in concept design stage of development. So, she is totally based on vanilla follower system. She needs to be further developed to include custom voice, advanced follower functionality, and personality. However, I'm not sure when the further development could be progressed by myself.


Follower Info

- Name: Tania the Hermit

- Race: Eldergleam elven race

- Sex: Female

- Age: Nobody knows

- Combat Style: Elven Archer

- Personality: Bright and cute

- Location: Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun

- Body Style: UNP-TBBP

- Perks: LightFoot / Overdraw00 / QuickShot / Ranger / Armsman00 / AgileDefender20 / Stealth80

- She is weak and fragile so, you need to take care of her in combat.



This is a STANDALONE follower mod. No other mods required.

Tania is using vanilla follower factions and system. That means this mod is 100% compatible with other vanilla follower control mods like UFO, AFT, EFF, Convenient Horse, and so on.

She has a Japanese female voice to fit her cute character.

You will have Tania's Gate voice power when applying the mod to your game for the first time. You can issue a remote command to her after equipping spell by pressing "Z" key as following :

- Move to Me: Tania will teleport to your location.

- Move to Tania: Player will teleport to Tania's location.

- Avoid Combat (When she's in combat): Tania quit combat and run away from it.

- Engage Enemy (When she's in combat): She'll fight with enemy and never surrender.

She has her own unique dialogues in the Tania ... dialogue tree as following :

- Show me your private bag: You can use her extra storage if she's wearing her default Tania's Bag.

- Never get lost when you follow me (Toggle): She'll always catch up with you by teleporting or increasing speed when she is far away from you in the middle of following state.And she'll automatically escape from geometric obstacles when she is got stuck on them.

- I love your bright face (Toggle): You can turn on/off her Face Light. Face light will be automatically turned off when Player is in sneak and turned on when Player release sneak.

She has her own default custom armor and weapons (See Credits below). For her silver arrow and bow, it has additional damage to undead creatures. And you can create silver arrow at the Blacksmith Forge MISC tab.


Install and Usage

Please follow below steps to install this mod:

1. Install the mod using NMM or MO.

2. Tania's body type is TBBP body. So she needs TBBP skeleton_female.hkx file to make her TBBP skeleton work perfectly. Please make sure If you have TBBP skeleton_female.hkx file at "Meshes/Actors/Character/character assets female" folder.

3. Install TBBP animation files at "Data/Meshes/actors/character/animations/female" folder if you like to see female idle motions with TBBP.

This follower mod is based on other modders' work and I have just integrated them and programmed using CK or Papyrus to create the chracter. So 99% of the credits go to modders in the following list. Thank you!

Credits and Thanks

Body Mesh/Texture

dimon99 for UNP body & bikini meshes.

aodnagne for UNP-TBBP body meshes.

Hello Santa forSG Female Textures Renewal.

COTS for female subsurface tint textures fromNo More Ugly Bronze Shine.

Gonzo for female face textures.

Radioragae for female beauty pack.

LogRaam for beautiful eyes fromThe Eyes of Beauty.

numenume for femalebrows MARO.

Kalilies, Shockero, Stealthic and Newsea for Rennie hair.

nao4288 for female head/eyes/headbrows/mouth tri-meshes for excellent facial animations.

numenume for elf ears.

xp32 for maximum female skeleton.


tktk forFace Light.


zzjay for huntress light armor set.

anano for Osare maid panty.

InsanitySorrow for silver bow.

cat_woman1989 for silver arrow & quiver.

Ghosu for Tauriel's dagger.


tktk for Enhanced Character Edit used to create face appearance.

Finally, Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for all game resources.


Permission & To Uploaders

I know you'll upload this mod on your site regardless you have my permission or not. However, please notify the original Authors and source address. I think, it is a basic manner for mod community.

Your endorsement and comment will be the basic thrust to keep this mod developing!

Change Log 

 Ver. 0-2

 First release

저자: Kasprutz and Magnificat


'스카이림모드 > 다른 사람이 만든 커스텀 보이스 동료' 카테고리의 다른 글

Onean Follower  (0) 2015.01.16
MBWS Amalia  (0) 2014.09.27
셀린느케이트  (0) 2014.08.03
소피아  (0) 2014.07.04
Fina  (0) 2014.06.14
